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Inneal so-ghiùlain Indiba 448Khz

Inneal so-ghiùlain Indiba 448Khz

Inneal so-ghiùlain Indiba 448Khz

Inneal Bòidhchead Indeeplus 448khzInneal Bòidhchead Indeeplus 448khz

Inneal Bòidhchead Indeeplus 448khz


Tricead: 448KHZ

Stuthan làimhseachaidh: CAP y RES le vaccm

Cumhachd toraidh: 300W

Electrode capacitive monopolar: φ40, 50, 60, 70mm

Electrode resistive monopolar: φ30,50,70,80mm

Bholtaids: 220V 50HZ no 110V 60HZ

Meud inneal: 320*370*820mm

faic mion-fhiosrachadh
Roinnean-seòrsa bathar

Molaidhean toraidh teth

Adhbharan airson Inneal Laser Bòidhchead SANO

Contact sano laser beauty

Sano laser is committed to the research and innovation of medical beauty technology, providing customers with professional beauty equipment and related technical service in the fields of skin management.

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Ro-ràdh inneal so-ghiùlain Indiba 448Khz

A’ tuigsinn buannachdan agus cleachdadh teicneòlas inneal Ret RF

Cuir fios gu Sano Laser Beauty Company

Tha Sano laser dealasach a thaobh rannsachadh agus ùr-ghnàthachadh teicneòlas bòidhchead meidigeach, a’ toirt uidheamachd bòidhchead proifeasanta do luchd-ceannach agus seirbheis theicnigeach co-cheangailte riutha ann an raointean riaghladh craiceann.

Prìs inneal bòidhchead Sano Laser

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